This collections has been set up as a self guided 5 week launch series:

* Week 1 - Decision & Goals: This playbook emphasizes the importance of decisions and goal-setting, rethinking positive thinking, and building momentum. It introduces the concept of implementation intentions and the steps to achieve goals while overcoming obstacles.
* Week 2 - Thoughts That Create Our Reality: Focuses on the power of thoughts in shaping reality. It discusses how to question and break limiting beliefs and the steps in the Smashing Limiting Beliefs Playbook to create empowering beliefs and identify evidence supporting these new beliefs.
* Week 3 - Rise of the Fallen Hero: This playbook reframes the concept of 'saboteur' as 'fallen hero', emphasizing the importance of positive intelligence and gratitude. It introduces steps to identify common saboteur thoughts and work through them using empathize, explore, innovate, navigate, and activate steps.
* Week 4 - Reflect & Recalibrate: Covers the importance of reflection and recalibration for continual growth and improvement. It introduces the Motivational Interviewing Playbook with steps that involve gaining consent for help, being curious, gauging readiness, forecasting results, and planning for action.
* Week 5 - The One Thing: Focuses on the importance of concentrating on one major task to make everything else easier or unnecessary. It suggests setting reminders and enlisting help to stay on track and includes questions to determine the one thing that should be prioritized daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. 

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