Your Collaborative
Business Journey

Your Collaborative Business Journey Awaits

Embark on a transformative journey where you're not alone.

The CoLab Membership is your gateway to a supportive community of like-minded business owners, all striving for success. Dive into collaborative sessions, set goals, share insights, and celebrate milestones together.

Features & Benefits

ActionCoLab Sessions

Every Tuesday and Wednesday lunch and learn with us from
noon to 1:00 ET!

Dive into these goal-setting, obstacle-busting, and quick learning sessions.

Digital CoWorkHub

Every Thursday from noon to 1:30 ET, join us for your perfect digital workspace.

 Whether you need focused silence or a space to practice presentations, we've got you covered.

Instant access to
Ai Simplified and BGI's book summary library

Your CoLab Membership includes instant access to our every growing library of Ai Simplified courses and our digital book as well as our entire book summary library of over 300 top selling business and personal growth books.

Join risk free with our 90 day Grow or Go Guarantee.

Why Choose the CoLab?

Collaborative Learning

Engage in virtual meetings where you brainstorm solutions, set goals, and share best practices with fellow business owners.

Diverse Perspectives

Our community is rich with diverse backgrounds, offering a unique blend of insights and experiences.

Consistent Engagement

With weekly sessions, you're always connected, ensuring continuous growth and improvement.


Your membership also grants you access to the BGI library, a curated collection of business and personal growth resources.

Ready to Collaborate and Thrive?

Join the CoLab community today and elevate your business journey with the power of collective wisdom.

Membership Payment Options

  • CoLab QUARTERLY Membership

    $162 CAD

    every 3 months

    That's only $54 per month

  • Pay Quarterly
  • CoLab ANNUAL Membership

    $540 CAD

    per year

    That's only $45 per month!

  • Pay Annually

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The BGI Digital Campus Library is a curated collection of resources designed to fuel your growth journey.

The BGI Digital Campus Library currently includes a wide range of over 320 book summaries from top business and personal growth books from our partners at Read It For Me, presented in a variety of formats. Each book summary comes with a video or audio version, accompanied by the full transcript, ensuring accessibility to different learning preferences.  

Additionally, MircroSummaries are currently being added to our library, providing you with quick insights in 5 minutes or less. These MircroSummaries also come with transcripts and audio to cater to the way you learn best.  

Alongside our MircroSummaries, we are creating downloadable WorkSheets to help you apply key concepts to your business, ensuring practical implementation of insights. 

The Ai Simplified is a dedicated space within the Business Growth Initiative Digital Campus designed to empower businesses of all sizes with the potential of Artificial Intelligence (Ai). With a focus on simplicity and practicality, the Ai Simplified offers an on-demand library of courses catering to various skill levels. Whether you're a small business owner, part of a medium or large enterprise, or an individual aiming to enhance performance, the Ai Lab provides a user-friendly experience that's free of intimidating tech jargon.

Explore a dynamic array of content formats, including engaging video walk-throughs, downloadable PDFs, and interactive worksheets. As technology evolves, so does our content – new resources are consistently added to keep you at the forefront of AI trends. We understand the need for a versatile approach, ensuring that the Ai Lab remains a valuable asset for your business growth journey.

It's also the journey behind the scenes, where we're going meta and revealing the exact strategies that power the BGI Digital Campus. We're demystifying how we harness the potential of AI to achieve unparalleled efficiency – accomplishing more in just 90 minutes a day than what once took us 8 hours.

The ActionCoLab is an empowering initiative within the Business Growth Initiative that provides a structured and collaborative environment for goal-setting, accountability, and progress.

It is a series of interactive Zoom calls where CoLab members come together to take focused action on their business goals. During ActionCoLab sessions, participants engage in a carefully curated process that includes watching a business book summary, followed by creating an ActionPlan. The ActionPlan prompts members to define their goals, desired outcomes, obstacles, costs of inaction, and the specific steps they will take to overcome challenges. Afterward, members break into small groups to share their ActionPlans, receive feedback, and gain insights from fellow entrepreneurs.

The ActionCoLab empowers members to set clear intentions, stay accountable, and receive valuable support and guidance from a community of like-minded individuals. It is a powerful tool to drive progress, overcome obstacles, and ultimately achieve meaningful results.

The CoWorkHub is an innovative digital co-work space designed to foster collaboration, networking, and professional development within the Business Growth Initiative community. It provides a virtual environment where entrepreneurs can connect, engage, and support each other on their business journeys.

The CoWorkHub offers various dedicated spaces tailored to different needs, including the ZenDen for quiet focus, the SynergySuite for collaborative work, the Auditorium for practicing presentations, and even virtual coffee tables for casual networking. We even host special screenings or other events from time to time.

The CoWorkHub a dynamic and inclusive platform that brings entrepreneurs together, encouraging productivity, creativity, and the exchange of ideas. Whether you're seeking feedback, a sounding board, or simply a supportive community, the CoWorkHub is the place to connect, grow, and thrive.

An Academy call is a specialized live session offered within the Business Growth Initiative's Academy membership. It is designed to provide Academy members with a deep dive into the key concepts and takeaways from a featured business book.

The call typically begins with a warm welcome and an introduction to the structure and expectations of the session. It may include a quote from the featured book, setting the stage for the discussion and exploration of its key ideas. Members then participate in breakout groups, often in pairs, to engage in a quick question or reflection related to the book's content.  

Following the breakout activity, the main focus of the Academy call revolves around a summary of that week's feature book and offers a condensed overview of the book's key concepts, allowing members to grasp the core insights in a concise format.  

After that, our resident Knowledge Alchemist guides members through a step-by-step playbook, showcasing how to apply the key concepts and takeaways from the book directly to their businesses and lives. This practical playbook offers actionable strategies, techniques, and frameworks that members can implement to achieve tangible results.  

To deepen the learning experience, members then reconvene in breakout groups, typically in groups of three, to share their answers to specific questions from the playbook. These small-group discussions encourage peer feedback, insights, and coaching, fostering a collaborative environment where members can learn from one another and gain different perspectives.  

The Academy call concludes with a return to the main group, where  final quotes, actionable takeaways, or provide additional resources for further exploration are shared. It is an engaging and interactive session that enables Academy members to extract the most valuable insights from the featured book, apply them directly to their businesses, and receive support and guidance from their fellow members.

The live calls within the Business Growth Initiative's CoLab and Academy memberships are scheduled at specific times to ensure members can actively participate and engage with the community. The exact timings may vary depending on the specific membership level and program offerings, but here is a general overview:

For CoLab Members:

- ActionCoLab calls typically take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM PST. These sessions are focused on goal-setting, accountability, and progress tracking.

- CoWorkHub sessions are held on Thursdays at noon to 1:30 PM PST. These sessions provide a virtual co-working space where members can work together, seek feedback, or connect with fellow entrepreneurs.  

For Academy Members:
- Academy calls are usually scheduled on Mondays from 6:00 AM to 7:30 AM PST. These sessions dive deep into the key concepts of a featured business book and provide step-by-step playbooks for practical application.  

It's important to note that these timings are subject to change, and it's advisable for members to check the official Business Growth Initiative platform or communication channels for the most up-to-date schedules.

At the Business Growth Initiative, we prioritize the privacy and safety of our members. That's why we do not record our live calls within the CoLab and ACADEMY memberships. This ensures that discussions, insights, and proprietary information shared during these sessions remain confidential and exclusive to our community.  

However, we understand the value of revisiting valuable content and learning materials. That's why we have made the Academy Playbooks available as an archive for Academy members. These playbooks capture the key concepts, strategies, and actionable insights from the featured business books, allowing members to access them at any time and continue their learning journey at their own pace.

 By maintaining a balance between privacy and providing access to valuable resources, we aim to create a trusted and secure environment where our members can freely exchange ideas, collaborate, and learn from one another.

As our membership base continues to expand, so does the wealth of resources and opportunities we can offer at the Business Growth Initiative. We are committed to continually enhancing our programs and services to meet the evolving needs of our growing community.

As part of our future roadmap, we are excited to share that we have plans to introduce additional live calls each week, providing even more opportunities for engagement, collaboration, and learning. We understand that different members may have scheduling constraints, so we aim to offer sessions at various times to accommodate different time zones and availability.  

Furthermore, we are actively working on developing group coaching programs that will further amplify the support and guidance available to our members. These group coaching sessions will provide an additional layer of personalized attention, allowing members to benefit from expert insights, collective wisdom, and shared experiences.

At the Business Growth Initiative, we are dedicated to fostering a thriving and dynamic community that propels the success of each individual member. We are excited about the future possibilities and look forward to providing even more resources, live calls, and coaching opportunities to support our members on their entrepreneurial journey.

Experience the power of collaboration for as little as $45 a month.

And if you're still deciding, why not test drive the Digital Campus with our 90 day guarantee?
Dive into a community that's ready to support and elevate you.

Not sure if you want more or less community?  
Explore Our Skill Academy & Ai Simplified Memberships